
Malware: Its effects on the Internet

What is a Malware

Malware on the internet is suspicious software intended to gain unauthorized access to a computer without consent. An installed program on your computer without your consent can also be called malware, as you do not know its purpose.  Malware is designed with the purpose of performing unwanted tasks on a computer to the benefit of a third user.Malware can be in the form of a link, an uninstalled application, or even a picture format. Anybody can be a victim of this kind of attack. Malware phishes out your information and sends it to a third party who can use it to blackmail you at several occasions, so it is safe to keep your sensitive information more secured.There are several types of malwares on the internet all with different kinds of threat levels. Here are some of them.

Trojan horse.

This is malware installed in a host computer thought to be useful software from a legitimate source. It creates a backdoor on the victim's desktop and thus can be controlled remotely. Trojan horse manipulates data in the hosts’ computer making it visible to the attacker. However, the malware does not infect the desktops in the same network. “Zombies”, name to the computers infected by a Trojan horse.
A laptop Display of words Danger
Courtesy: Danger Sign on a laptop screen


This is a code written to destroy a victim computer totally. That is by slowing it down, deleting files, filling the memory space forcing it to crash.  However, a virus for t to work needs to be activated by a human, that is, unless a human intervention it will not cause any harm. It is spread through digital images, audios and video clips, attachments in emails among others.


Spyware describes itself from the word. It is a special type of malware installed on a host’s computer without his/her consent. This is done maybe through clicking on a malicious link of downloading and installing an unknown app. Spywares are mostly used a key logger, that is, getting passwords and crucial information as you type them sending them to the remote servers of the third party.


In Biology, worms reproduce into many other little worms. The same case applies here, the worm replicates on the victims’ computer. They spread through emails, network, faulty operating systems forcing the network to crash.


Most of you have come across this type of malware. You are scrolling through a webpage then suddenly an advert pops up promoting some product. If you are tempted to clicking it, then you are re-directed to some other page with more information on the product or event. Some adware might be harmful to the host while others are not. We can call this “forced advertisement” although they are financially supported for by companies and organizations.


This are malware that attacks sensitive information in a network system and encrypts it so that users of the information do not have access to it. It is like a blackmail program that will demand for finance pay in order to let one access back his or her data. It is mainly used in phishing scams and comes inform of disguised clickable links. The attacker encrypts specific data that can only be accessed by a mathematical only known to them. After a payment, the information is released back to the user or owner.

Fileless malware 

Is a malware that resides in memory just as the name suggests. This malware embeds itself in the computer memory away from files that are on the hard drive of the computer making it impossible to detect. Its ferociousness includes being able to hibernate even when a system has been rebooted. An example of a fileless malware is the one posted by intelligence team from Cisco in 2017 called DNSMessenger.

How do I protect my network against malware?

Businesses and individuals should invest in a technology that gives round the clock monitoring services to possible intrusions, detect and defend the network. A multi layered safeguard is required and has to have a visibility that is of high level and intelligence. Many businesses and individuals relay on preventive tools to wade of malware attacks and assume they are safe by a secured perimeter. There are some malwares that will bypass such securities easily hence a need for sufficient advanced malware protection.

How do I detect and respond to malware?

With a defense that gives you optimum visibility and detection plan, malware would not find it easy to attack your network. You must pay attention and be in a position to pinpoint malicious software properly. A constant run of scan will be appropriate. A scan can help identify malware that you should then remove as quickly as possible. An over reliance to anti-virus products can only do as much, but not guard you from more severe and deadly malwares. Learn more about malwares
I think computer viruses should count as life ... I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.” ― Stephen Hawking
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