Pastel Accounting, to process opening balances you must first set up your supplier processing, create each supplier's account, and know how to enter supplier journals.
To enter opening balances for suppliers
- Obtain the required balances. If you need to enter aged balances, obtain balances for each ageing period you use or obtain the current total outstanding balances.
- Use the Process>>Journals menu option. Select an entry type that allows supplier processing.
- When you entered general ledger opening balances, you put the supplier control account balance into the "Supplier Take on Balances" account. Set up this take-on account as the contra account.
- In the batch settings, uncheck the Invoke Open Item check box.
- If you are not using payment or cash-based VAT uncheck the Tax Processing check box. If you are using cash-based VAT, check the check box.
- Enter each account’s opening balance, and the required period. If you use cash-based VAT, enter balances with their tax codes. Do this over a period of time, and make a backup whenever you stop working.
- Print out your batch. Confirm all values entered to be correct, back up your company, and update batches.
- Check the value of the "Supplier Take on Balances" account and the supplier control account. The opening supplier control value should now appear in the supplier control account and should be out of the "Supplier Take on Balances" account, which should now be zero. If there are any errors, process adjusting journals.
Taking on Inventory Opening Balances
You must first set up your inventory processing, create each inventory item, and you must know how to enter inventory journals.To enter inventory cost prices and opening quantities
- You enter inventory cost prices and quantities in the Process>>>Inventory Journals menu option.
- Choose the period for your take on first then enter the transactions
- Enter the opening costs and quantities for each inventory item. You can do this in one line. If you work over a period of time longer than a few hours, make a backup whenever you stop working.
- If inventory integrates to the general ledger, Pastel displays a column for you to enter a general ledger adjustment account. Use the "Inventory Take on Balances" account you created in the general ledger take on.
- Print out your batch. Confirm all values entered to be correct, back up your company and update batches
- Print out inventory reports and check your cost and quantity on hand values. Adjust journals if there are errors.
- If inventory integrates to the general ledger, you should also check the inventory take on account and the inventory account. The take on account should be zero, and the inventory account(s) should contain the correct value. If you are not fully integrated, you can check the total of your inventory cost report against the value in your general ledger inventory account.
To enter inventory selling prices
Enter selling price when creating items if you price inventory items individually. You do this in the Edit>>Inventory>>Item File menu option, in the Prices tab.If your selling prices are based on a cost mark-up, you use the Edit>>Inventory>>Adjust Selling Prices menu option to create selling prices as mark-ups on cost or on other
Customer, POS and Supplier Document Processing
Most of the time, when you sell to customers, you need to give them an invoice. You may also prepare quotations or sales orders, and issue delivery notes. Finally, you need the ability to process credit notes. On the supplier side, you receive delivery notes and supplier invoices, and you create purchase orders. You may need to process a return to supplier. Process.>Customers and Process>>Suppliers menu options. The screen that appears is like thisPastel supports several types of documents for customer and supplier processing. For customers, you can process:
You can prepare estimates or quotations for your customers. Quotations do not affect inventory quantities or any other values. Link a quotation to the sales order or invoice when a customer agrees to it. You can decide whether to use all item lines or not.
Sales Orders
You can process a sales order prior to an invoice. Set whether the sales order should reserve inventory quantities or not. Then link a sales order to an invoice.
You process an invoice when your customer actually buys from you. The invoice affects the inventory quantity on hand, updates the customer's balance, and affects sales and inventory values.
Recurring Invoices
You can create recurring invoices which you copy each month to the normal invoice batch. Invoices can recur at intervals longer than one month. For details of this, click here.
Credit Notes
If your customer returns part or all of the items on an invoice, you process a credit note. Credit notes can be linked to invoices for open item customers.
Debit Notes
If you have left an item off an invoice, or you wish to reissue a returned item, you can use a debit note. The value of the debit note can be matched to the value of the original invoice for statement purposes. This debit note is not linked to the original invoice. For more information on matching open items, click here.You can make a print supporting document for each document. This has a different name from the document itself, and it does not print financial values. Some uses of supporting documents are:
To maintain control of inventory items, you can use these documents to itemize (or list) inventory items removed from the warehouse. A picking slip is a supporting document of a sales order.
Delivery Notes
You can issue a delivery note to ship along with the delivery of goods. Customers normally receive the delivery note first before they receive the invoice. A delivery note document supports an invoice.For suppliers, you can process:
Purchase Orders
You can process a purchase order prior to an invoice. This helps you track what you have on order. Just as with quotations and sales orders, you can link a purchase order to an invoice.
Goods Received Note
You process a goods received note to bring goods into your company prior to receiving a supplier's invoice. Its an optional step but use it if you use GRNs.
Supplier's InvoicesYou process an invoice when your supplier invoices you. The invoice updates the supplier's balance. If you do not use GRNs, the invoice also updates the quantity on hand and the purchase or inventory value.
Return to Supplier
If you return to a supplier part of or all of the items, you process a return to supplier.
Credit to Supplier
If your supplier leaves an item off an invoice, or reissues a returned item, you can use a credit to supplier document. The value of the credit note can be matched to the value of the original invoice for remittance purposes. This credit note is not linked to the original invoice.Tip Quotations, sales orders and purchase orders do not update. Further, these are available to all users so that any operator can process any quotation, sales order and purchase order. If you use batch processing, each user maintains their own batches for invoices, credit notes and debit notes, supplier's credit and supplier returns.
Point of Sale Payments Screen
When you complete a point of sale invoice, you click the Payments button or press <F10> to access the payment screen where you enter the amount paid and other payment details. You use the Payments screen to:Enter the customer's payment details and possibly address detailsMark the invoice as a COD invoiceAssign the invoice to an existing customer account.
Processing COD Sales
The POS payment screen is designed to allow you to process payments as speedily as possible, without you having to use a mouse. It works as follows:If the customer pays the exact amount of the invoice, which will usually happen by means of cheque, credit card, or by charging to their account, press <Alt>+n, where n is the payment method. Pastel would move the Still to Pay amount into that payment's amount field automatically.If the customer does not pay the exact amount, then they are usually paying cash. The cursor defaults to the Cash amount field, and you can type in the cash value immediately. If the customer pays an inexact amount by other methods, press <Alt>+n and enter the amount they are paying.As you move onto a payment method field, Pastel opens a frame in which you can enter fields that are specific to that payment method. Press <Tab> or <Enter> to get to the remaining fields. You can specify which of these fields are compulsory, optional, or never required, in the Setup...Point of Sale menu option. Fields which are never required are disabled, in other words the cursor will not stop on those fields.